Food photography – Summer course Milano
Pubblicato da Istituto Italiano di Fotografia

The intensive Food Photography Course is aimed at those who already know basic photography techniques and want an insight into food photography.
Students will learn how to organise the creative process, starting from drafting the project, to carrying out some research work about a specific topic, to planning the photo shoot to postproduction. They will also have the chance to shoot and work with several professionals that work in the food and photography industry.

Referente Francesca Gobbo

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Programma e moduli didattici

• Introduction: the history of food in art and photography
• Knowing your food: types of food, types of cooking (and timing), ingredients
• Revision of the basics of photography
•Lighting for food photography
•Project management
•Elements of still life: tips for food photography
• Doing an editorial photo shoot
• Doing an adv photo shoot
• Editing and postproduction

Sedi di svolgimento

Istituto Italiano di Fotografia
Via Enrico Caviglia 3 MILANO (MI)

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